Toys for Tots has officially launched their 2024 Christmastime Campaign! Very recently, I delivered cases of my most recent book, "Giving With The Heart, An Intergenerational Story" to the TOTS warehouse in Fredericksburg, VA. Sgt Steven Nothnegy and SSgt Brad Breag were on hand to get my books and so many beloved toys ready for delivery to 17 cities and counties across the state of Virginia. For the past four years, I have been collaborating with the Toys for Tots Foundation to provide copies of books that I have authored for our "Youngest Warriors," those children attending the Good Grief Camps facilitated by Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors and for the TOTS holiday distributions. Wilma Vaughn, Assistant Coordinator/Public Relations Quantico Toys for Tots Campaign shared that in 2023, 127,624 children in VA received support from TOTS. It was an honor to meet Wilma Vaughn and to immediately recognize her devotion and her love for the incredible Toys for Tots Foundation. This holiday season and beyond, please donate by contacting the following:
Marine Corps Reserve, Toys for Tots Foundation
The Cooper Center
18251 Quantico Gateway Drive
Triangle, VA. 22172-1776
On a very special note, I asked Wilma Vaughn if the children in the Western North Carolina Region would be receiving books and toys this year. Her response..."Yes, of course. It will be a different journey this year due to Hurricane Helene; however, Toys for Tots will serve the children of Western North Carolina." I personally hope to be of help to the beloved Western Carolina Region during this Christmastime of 2024 Toys for Tots Campaign.