When I have the opportunity meet with a devoted and passionate writer, I almost never hesitate. Recently, I met Thomas J. Ryan, author of Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign, and Essays on Delaware During the Civil War-A Political, Military and Social Perspective. Mr. Ryan has published numerous articles and book reviews on Civil War subjects, many dealing with intelligence operations. He writes a bi-weekly column called Civil War Profiles for Coastal Point, a Delaware newspaper. Thomas J. Ryan served three years in the United States Army and more than three decades with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Author, Thomas J. Ryan graciously volunteered to speak about his writings at The Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, D.C. on June 9th. Mr. Ryan's brother-in-law is a resident of AFRH, and this devoted author happens to be very fond of what the Armed Forces Retirement Home represents. I was grateful to be able to learn and listen from this accomplished writer. Thomas Ryan and myself had some time to talk about why we write. He was interested in my books and the stories that sit both with and behind them. We discussed how our very own lives can play such a significant role, in regards to the messages that we want our readers to come to know from spending time with our books. We also agreed how laborious, exciting, and fun it is to "pull together" a manuscript. As our conversation came to a close, Mr. Ryan asked that I send him copies of my books. He suggested that he would share them with his family, friends, and his colleagues.

I'll be spending time at The Armed Forces Home, Washington, D.C. throughout this summer. Once an idea comes into play for another book, it's difficult to resist the temptation!
Most grateful, Glenna (The Kind Kids Organization).
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