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History, history, and more history!

History, history, and more history! Indeed, that is what we trusty readers are enjoying during our weekly Book Club meetings at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington D.C. "The Greater Journey, Americans In Paris," written and researched by the phenomenal author, David McCullough has enlightened our Book Club about those curious, talented, and bright American innovators that traveled to Paris during the 1920's and all thru the 1930's. Their thirst for learning abroad and then in turn sharing their learnings, made such a positive difference for our very own country. "The River of Doubt, Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey," is proving to be a gripping and harrowing tale of Teddy Roosevelt's journey down the Amazon in 1913. Author, Candice Millard has definitely brought this piece of history to life! Lively conversations and reading all for the love of sharing a good book, is what our AFRH Book Club is all about...


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