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Being With Two of My Favorite Friends

Being with two of my favorite friends and my dear ten year old dog Tyson, is a very special and captured time for me.  It was a wonderful evening  sharing a meal together at our home in Hayesville, North Carolina, and as always engaging in interesting conversation.  Sister Terry Martin, CND and Sister Margarita Castaneda, CND reside in Hayesville, North Carolina and both are devoted to their Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Community.  Sister Terry and Sister Margarita have strengthened and lifted up the lives of so many families throughout their entire lives.  I have known Sister Terry for more than sixteen years, and Sister Margarita for three years.  They both hold a special place in the hearts' of my family.

Sister Terry and Sister Margarita will be on retreats during the Summer months, and their missions will take them away from their beloved community of Hayesville, North Carolina.  Both are looking forward to their Summer journeys and their own personal time for reflections. Our family will miss them this Summer, as we gather to spend time together at our home in Hayesville.  And, we will be looking forward to seeing them upon their return, and learning about their travels!  

Most grateful, Glenna C. Orr Reading Specialist & Director of The Kind Kids, Inc.

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