Generally speaking, I can almost always count on some very good meetings/introductions and interesting conversations while hosting book signings at U.S. Military Bases. On November 11 thru November 14, while sharing my books with the wonderful patrons at the Fort Meade U.S. Military Base in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, our meetings and conversations were both wonderful and lively!
My days at Fort Meade were blessed with many beautiful visits by children and their families. Children found their way to my book signing tables and immediately wanted to learn about my books. During our conversations the children were given the opportunity to select a book for signing, tuck one or several of my books under their arms, and promise to share the books with friends and family.
Late afternoons and early evenings can bring some very interested readers to book signings...and my book signing at Fort Meade was no exception. The kind words, keen interest, and the purchasing of my books for family and friends by these very interested readers was so very rewarding for me.
Please take some time to view the photos that accompany this writing about my book signing at Fort Meade...I'm most assured that you will be overjoyed!
For more pictures please visit our Flickr Photostream.
Most grateful, Glenna.