"Chinquapin's," located in the heart of historic downtown Hayesville, NC, which got its start as a pharmacy in the 1940's, is mostly known for its original soda fountain that is still in operation. Hand mixed cherry cokes, chocolate malts, and vanilla sodas are just a few of the delectable treats that one can enjoy while browsing through the many gift items that are beautifully displayed.

Hayesville, North Carolina has been "home away from home" for our family ever since the 1980's. My own parents bought a home and settled there in 1982-they loved the people of Clay County and the pristine "lay of the land." Our entire family beholds many memories from the past 34 years-some so very joyful and some that have brought us to our knees. I am always grateful to be able to spend time in a place that has made everlasting connections with our family.
October 10th, I stopped by "Chinquapin's" and made a visit with the owners, Rob and Holly Tiger...I have known these two since the early 1980's. A few years prior, I hosted a book signing at "Chinquapin's" (event photoalbum link) and enjoyed being a part of an annual summer festival in Hayesville. Holly Tiger recently extended another invitation to me, to book sign during our upcoming holiday season.

It's such a good thing to be able to spend time in a gift shop; especially, when the collectibles
are so accessible to the patrons.Their children's book shelf holds numerous titles-classics and those that have been enjoyed by children of all ages.I am glad that my very own books are keeping company with the collection of books that are offered for sale at "Chinquapin's."
Most grateful,
Glenna C. Orr
Reading Specialist & Director of The Kind Kids, Inc.