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An Amazing Valentine’s Day, Book Club Style!

Valentine Goodie Bags, Sweet Treats, An Incredible Book, "Code Girls The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II”, and A Phenomenal Book include WWII Code Girls!

Celebrating Valentine's Day with fourteen "history buffs" and for certain avid readers, can indeed make for an unforgettable literary gathering. This Wednesday, "Glenna's Book Club" shared scrumptious sweet treats in honor of Cupid herself, and for several hours discussed the book that we are presently reading, "Code Girls, The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II," written by Liza Mundy. One more time, history came alive at our reading table today at The Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, D.C., because two of our book club members are "Code Girls!"

Indeed, an afternoon that I will always remember…

Most grateful,

Glenna (Reading Specialist & Director of The Kind Kids Organization)


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