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Robin Halfon, President of the American Legion Auxiliary, VFW Post 7807-7807-Hiawassee, Georgia welcomed me to her meeting with open arms....

An Invitation to VFW Post 7807 Hiawassee, Georgia
On September 5, 2023, the American Legion, VFW Post 7807-Hiawassee, Georgia and the American Legion Auxiliary held their monthly...

Labor Day
Church time and giving our love to family who remain in our hearts and souls, lake time, and indoor recreation...all part of our long...

Grateful for TAPS
Always an honor to spend time in the TAPS Headquarters, Arlington, VA. "Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors" is this incredible...

Orientation and Move in at WCU
Orientation and moving into the dorm for our grandson Charlie has been a week long whirlwind and wonderful time. Charlie's new home away...

Lake Chatuge Family Time!
Friday on Lake Chatuge certainly had its perks! Grandson Charlie, Pops, and myself enjoyed this time...always making the most of our...

Visiting with VFW Post 7807
Recently, I had the honor and privilege of visiting with the members of The Veterans of Foreign Wars of The United States, Post 7807,...
Meeting with Andy Rutigliano
Happy to meet up with a TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors supporter, Andy Rutigliano. Andy facilities Support Groups for...

Annual Madelyn Lea Scholarship Concert 2023
The Annual Madelyn Lea Scholarship Concert held at Hayesville United Methodist Church, Western North Carolina was a heartfelt and joyous...

OBX 2023
Our annual family vacation to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina was a memory maker. Beach time, hours spent at the North Carolina Aquarium,...

Summer Pause
My Book Club at The Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, D.C. is pausing for the summer time. We have had such an extraordinary...

Congratulations Charlie and Class of 2023!
A celebratory day indeed! Grandson Charlie along with over 800 of his senior classmates of Richard Montgomery High School, Rockville, MD...

An Inspirational, Special Book Club Guest
Deacon Steve Dixon, a parishioner of St. Rita Catholic Church for decades, and a Deacon for the St. Rita Parish who has been serving the...

2023 TAPS National Seminar Guest
Guests of the 2023 TAPS National Seminar, Burkina Faso Military Personnel. I enjoyed sharing and gifting my books to these...

TAPS Grand Banquet
Beautiful and very inspirational evening celebration at the Grand Banquet, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA in honor of the 29th...

Summer Transition Event
The Summer Transition Event was a fun-filled day for the military children and their families who are serving at The United States Marine...

Summer Transition Event
The Summer Transition Event was a fun-filled day for the military children and their families who are serving at The United States Marine...

Books in Full Swing!
My Book Club at The Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington D.C. was in full swing as we wrapped up our discussions for "Destiny of the...

St. Anne's Single Mothers Group
A blessing to be able to contribute to the Mother's Day gifts for the St. Anne's single mothers group through St. Rita's Catholic Church...

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